Sunday, January 1, 2012

December 2011

What a month!  

December 5th- Early Intervention comes PT- 8th time
December 6th - Appointment in Philadelphia with Will's Eye- Dr. Levin who is not happy about the progress of Caleb's eyelid raising with the ocularist.  He calls Mr. Kelley with instructions to speed it up or else!
 December 8th-Off  to Fort Washington Pennsylvania to meet with Mr. Kelley for another fitting..Caleb's third shell.
Liz tries with all her might to get the shell in but to no avail so back to Fort Washington again to meet with Mr. Kelley who worked with Liz to get the shell in.
December 13th-First day at Medical Daycare and an emotional parting for Mommy.  Caleb did great!
December 14th- Back to Fort Washington Pennsylvania to Mr. Kelley who tried yet another new shell. It took from11 to 4 to try to get this new one in.
December 19th- Back to Mr. Kelley for a 10:30 appointment where he took an impression of the eye.  That involves inserting some kind of white goop into the eye, placing a shell on top of it and waiting a minute until it hardens while Caleb screams and screams.  Then taking out the shell and the goop and having an impression of the eye so another shell can be made.  After trying until 4:30, where Mr. Kelley says to us.  "I am so sorry, I just can't make a shell large enough to please Dr. Levin. So, home we go with the old shell very sad indeed. Exhausted beyond belief.
December 20th- Philadelphia, Will's Eye -we meet with Dr. Murchinson, the eyelid specialist.  She informs us that Mr. Kelley cannot do what they had hoped and our option now is to have Caleb's eyelid attached permanently to his eyebrow.  

Now it is decision time:  Do we opt to do what the surgeons at Will's eye want?  Permanently attaching Caleb's eyelid to his brow?  His sweet little face will most likely distort over time requiring possible facial reconstruction surgery...OR 

Do we opt to just continue the shells at a slower pace which could not possibly raise the eyelid fast enough to permit light into the eye so it can see.  Mr. Kellley isn't sure he can EVER raise the eyelid to the satisfaction of the doctors at Will's eye. 

We were informed of glasses that have a kind of hook on them to hold up the eyelid in adults but the opticians at Will's eye have never made them for an infant. 

The doctors at Wills tell us time is of the essence.  Do we allow time to pass to continue working with the ocularist and the shells hoping that God will heal this baby's eyelid over time or miraculously or do we disfigure this precious little baby who will never again be able to close his eye?

What would you do?

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Jo, I have no advice. I cannot imagine being in your position and knowing that the decision that is made is life changing. But, I do know One that can lead you. We all know that ALL healing is from our Father. We know that He uses those with that talent and knowledge to aid in the healing on this earth. I shall pray more earnestly for Him to show you a sign or give you total peace that you know you are heading down the right path. Little Caleb Joseph is also on our prayer list at church. Thank you for reaching out to others that are facing this same health issue. You are a blessing!
